Last week Russell turned 10! A whole decade of parenting has slipped by! He is so grown up now, our first born. To mark the special occasion we finally gave in and bought him an iPod Touch. He is so thrilled and made a whole outing of going down to the mall with his dad to choose a cover. So we are now entering the phase of face time, pinging and gaming. It's a slippery slope down the technology hill from here.
Russell is so responsible and a great big brother. He is quite independent now and loves to ride his bike, scooter or skateboard to school. He usually comes home via a friend's home. He is really doing well at karate and rugby and is so keen to give everything a try. He is proud to be part of the chess team, a sixer in his cub pack and is getting really good at his trumpet! We just love his great passion for life.
To crown it all, Russell is sporting lots of gaps in his mouth which is so endearing!
Now we just have the mini party to look forward to. He has invited five boys for a sleepover on the last day of term. I am bracing myself for even more testosterone in our home. We'll just keep them busy with movies, gaming, table tennis, darts, skateboarding and lots of food and in all probability they will only talk to each other via their iPods!
Happy Birthday my darling big boy!