It is unfair not to mention Hugo's new vehicle. He has a really fancy three-wheeled jogging pram. I found it in the local second hand newspaper for a bargain and it has clearly not been used very much. Well, this chariot doesn't know what has hit it. Hugo and I love going out and about with our new push transport system. We spend a lot of time together now as he only has 7 hours of care at school per week. This means that if I am going to get out and run when the sun is higher and it is a bit warmer then he has to come along. We live 500 metres from the Canning River which is a tributary of the Swan River. From where I enter the running path on the river there are bridges over the water 2km in both directions so a good run is to go along the footpath along the south side of the river, over the Kwinana bridge to the other side, along the footpath on the north side, back over the Canning bridge and back home. That makes for 8km which is a decent run when you are pushing 25km of boy in pram! Hugo loves to check out the yachts, pelicans and other runners. He jabbers the whole way. I use the time to gather my thoughts, pray, think and try not to run into the doppelgangers. Rob and I have decided to put this good training to some use and have registered to do the 12km charity race next Sunday from the city to the sea. About 20,000 other runners will join us and it is, I am told, one of the most festive events on the Perth calendar. Check out for more and watch this space for the postmortem. Now we have no excuse, I have put it out there.
Hugo is still very much in need of his midday nap and the pram has been quite useful when he falls asleep in the car. It is quite an adjustment, not being able to leave him at home for his sleep. So the three-wheeled transport is really a win.
On the fitness note, Rob has gone out and bought himself a weight bench and weights! Just running is making him very thin and he feels that he wants to do a bit of weight lifting for bulk. This new contraption lives on the landing upstairs between the study and our bedroom so it is very tempting to use it as a clothes/towel rack instead of its real purpose. I am very amused by all this and the big boys think it is very funny too. You may not recognise Rob when you see him next.
Good luck for the run! And have lots of fun! Great to see that you're settling in and taking part in local activities. I'm seriously thinking about getting back to a bit of running, myself!