Adam continues to "lithp" quite badly on "s" and "t". He still misses "d" and "r" and interchanges "f" for "th". The bottom line is we need to get cracking with speech therapy before Year 1. The problem is that all the good pathologists are fully booked to the end of February 2011! I found a South African therapist, Bev Lister, in our neighbourhood who took pity on us new migrants and phoned me with a cancellation. She is marvelous and thoroughly assessed Adam for language concepts and speech. The great news is that he is way ahead of his piers in understanding sounds, blends and syllables. His grasp of reading and writing is great. The not so good news is his annunciation which needs work. She gave us great games to play and exercises to do.
Adam and I will now be spending 20 minutes a day playing games with words beginning with S. Bev will try to see him weekly whenever she gets a cancellation and we hope to correct his lisp by the start of Year 1. The other sounds may follow on their own or we will tackle them in the second term of 2011. Adam is such a star and is so committed to correcting his speech. He really tries hard and I am sure that we will get him talking like an Aussie in no time! Adam, is after all, the first person in our family to regularly say "yea".
Hi Amanda. Rob Coombe here. Love following your news. All great here too. Bev Lister is my aunt - was married to my mum's brother when they moved to Oz many years back!! Say hi to her from me please. She is coming out here in Jan - will see her then. Love all the Coombes