We are in Denmark, the beautiful coastal town five hours south of Perth. We are staying in Christian and Karen's rustic holiday shed while they have a white Christmas in Canada. This time it is just the five of us in a Karri forest playing board games, cooking, riding bikes, swinging from a tyre swing, reading and napping. The beaches are glorious and the water is calm and clear. The boys are enjoying everything and soaking up the special time with Dad.
The only luminescent screen is my iPad and we each get 30 minutes to play! The conversations are lively with lots of laughter interspersed with boy fights. They race everywhere and challenge each other at every opportunity.
We have already had a delicious lunch at a wine farm followed by excessive wine purchases and an afternoon nap.
The rods are packed and the fishing spots are calling. Maybe today we can put the sign up: Gone Fishing.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
MPK blessings
We have been so blessed by an awesome kids' club at Mount Pleasant Baptist church. Our boys really love Sunday School and have made great friends there. The leadership team is so organized and has fantastic ideas to keep the lessons fresh and real. MPK stands for Mt Pleasant Kids and they are divided by age into STEPS, SKIP, RUNNERS and SPRINTERS. These names are inspired by 1 Corinthians 9:24 which teaches self discipline in your walk with the Lord. While having a great time, the underlying message is that it takes commitment and perseverance to be a true follower of Jesus. No one can win the race without putting in the hard work and training. Our salavation is a gift from God but that doesn't mean that we should not be working hard at spiritual growth in order to fulfill our earthly purpose.
A lot of sport takes place on Sunday mornings here which is a real dilemma for us. We want the boys to be able to do both but that isn't always possible. This year Russell chose MPK over cricket as he just wasn't prepared to give up MPK for 6 months - that says something for the programme!
The fact that the kids are happy and well cared for makes our worship time that much better. Sunday morning has become great family time for us. Mounties has been a home from home. It has stretched us and nurtured us. It has been a place of refuge and support. It has taught all of us to run as if we want to win.
A lot of sport takes place on Sunday mornings here which is a real dilemma for us. We want the boys to be able to do both but that isn't always possible. This year Russell chose MPK over cricket as he just wasn't prepared to give up MPK for 6 months - that says something for the programme!
The fact that the kids are happy and well cared for makes our worship time that much better. Sunday morning has become great family time for us. Mounties has been a home from home. It has stretched us and nurtured us. It has been a place of refuge and support. It has taught all of us to run as if we want to win.
"Do you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Thursday, December 15, 2011
ATLAS family day
After the adult Christmas celebration, our whole family was treated to a day out at Perth zoo. The boys had a fabulous time. The lunch and drinks were laid on in real style and everyone was able to enjoy a Sunday afternoon cruising the animal enclosures. Father Christmas made an appearance and each child was given a fantastic thoughtful gift, appropriate to their age and interest.
And of course, who can resist a good face painter!?
School's out
I am lying on my bed recovering from another bra party this morning, which followed closely on a bra party from last night and yesterday morning and the day before! Yes, I have totally overbooked my diary and am preparing for a family blow out which hopefully will happen after I have left for the next one tonight! Only three more to go and then our real holiday starts. Russell is next to me reading his book and we have that glorious summer holiday feeling. I didn't quite make it to the end of the shopping list before the boys became my constant companions, but the online shopping has arrived, so that is something!
All the reports were fabulous so we are super proud of our young men. I have to quote a line from each report card to be saved forever:
"Russell is a capable student who is able to organize his thoughts and skills to complete a challenge...easy going and compassionate nature which allows him to work well in groups. He respects the values and opinions of others...pleasing results in maths and science...pleasure to teach."
"Adam is becoming a more independent worker. When he is focused on the task at hand he produces pleasing work. Adam can be proud of his efforts this year...pleasure to assist him to learn"
"Hugo is bright and boisterous child...always keen to explore all activities as offered. Physical play and interactions with his peers are the aspects he enjoys the most...always tries his best...will benefit from extension of pre primary. Keep your happy smile!"
Oh, happy days. Oh, happy holidays...
All the reports were fabulous so we are super proud of our young men. I have to quote a line from each report card to be saved forever:
"Russell is a capable student who is able to organize his thoughts and skills to complete a challenge...easy going and compassionate nature which allows him to work well in groups. He respects the values and opinions of others...pleasing results in maths and science...pleasure to teach."
"Adam is becoming a more independent worker. When he is focused on the task at hand he produces pleasing work. Adam can be proud of his efforts this year...pleasure to assist him to learn"
"Hugo is bright and boisterous child...always keen to explore all activities as offered. Physical play and interactions with his peers are the aspects he enjoys the most...always tries his best...will benefit from extension of pre primary. Keep your happy smile!"
Oh, happy days. Oh, happy holidays...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
kindy graduation
This week Hugo graduated from kindergarten. He was a fabulous dinosaur in the kindy concert and all the little four year olds wowed the audience with their singing and dancing.
This graduation means that Hugo will go to preprimary in February and be at school every day from 9 till 3. There will be no more "mommy days" and special treats. He is a big boy now in school uniform and will join his brothers on the main campus.
Mommy is clicking her heals!
This graduation means that Hugo will go to preprimary in February and be at school every day from 9 till 3. There will be no more "mommy days" and special treats. He is a big boy now in school uniform and will join his brothers on the main campus.
Mommy is clicking her heals!
Christmas lights
This is the benchmark for Christmas lights on your home in Perth! This home north of the river about 20 minutes drive from us has won national and international awards for its brilliant display of thousands of lights. There are few homes with walls or fences around the property and no interest in stealing lights. There doesn't seem to be any issues with the electricity grid either. The result is that people really light up their homes and lives at Christmas time. There is an online competition where you can register a home that has a particularly good display. People like us keep an eye on that list and take a drive to the new releases for viewing!
Tonight we are all going to Russell's karate year end round up party and if we can keep all the little eyes open long enough we will be trawling the streets for spectacular Christmas lights.
There really is no better way than this (and of course belting out the odd Carol over a candle) to get you in the spirit.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
There is no advent here this year, only madvent. The first of December rushed up and kicked me in the pants. I woke up with a panic, realising that I really hadn't done any Christmas shopping and had booked my diary FULL of work right up to end of school term. And then there is the Wilson family tradition of a cute, unique, interesting and exciting advent calendar. And it does have to tick all those boxes. (note to self: don't do something cute for the kids unless you plan on repeating it every year until they are 21).
Well, on that hot summer's morning of 1 December 2011, not only did the shopping panic wake me but also a sudden and genuine need to vomit. I was the third domino to fall after Hugo and Adam. Rob wasn't far behind and Russell brought up the rear. So advent started well around here. We picked up and violently threw off a terrible stomach bug. To add to my Christmas cheer, in between INTIMO parties and caring for the patients, I was scrounging in the neighbourhood recycling bins for used baked bean cans. The boys were told they could have a recovery day on condition that they each painted their quota of cans. We were slightly late, but by day two of advent we had a pretty impressive row of cans on top of our kitchen cupboards. I keep threatening to spend a night filling each tin but right now it is all a bit seat of the pants as I reach into my hidden secret stash for chocolates and toys to put in the next metal victim before sunrise. We move the name tags along the cans to help us to remember whose turn it is to get out the treats.
Thank goodness for online shopping that has saved Santa's glow for one more year.
It is just a last push of parties, a last ditch effort to shop, a few more concerts and year-end round ups to attend and we are there. The holidays loom ahead. Yay!
Monday, November 28, 2011
This blog started out as a gift to all the Earthlings I know. It is a way to share our lives with those far away and stay connected. It just feels better than a facebook status update and allows me to express how I feel and journal where we are at. I want everyone who we have left behind to stay part of our daily lives in some small way. I want the grandparents to know when the boys' teeth fall out and when they get medals. I secretly hope that when we do make the big trip back to SA, the blog has bridged the geographical divide between us and allows us to just pick up where we left off. It is so encouraging when I get a message from a friend who is appreciating my words. It is great to get a comment from a distant shore about our activities. I feel as if we can still be part of your life, even though it is fair to say you have moved on and the hole we left has closed.
So you can imagine how confronting and humorous it is when I see a Perthling and they comment on my blog! I start to reread recent entries in my mind hoping that I haven't in any way offended the locals or sounded like a migrant! More often now I see friends who may say, " I see you went to Mandurah on Rob's birthday" or "Hugo looked great with his Tiger face paint". It takes me by surprise and I have to laugh. They are visiting this site. Big Brother is watching me.
The truth is, you can keep up with my life even when you are a daily part of it!
The blog is published for Earthlings not Perthlings. But how fabulous that Perthlings peak too!
So you can imagine how confronting and humorous it is when I see a Perthling and they comment on my blog! I start to reread recent entries in my mind hoping that I haven't in any way offended the locals or sounded like a migrant! More often now I see friends who may say, " I see you went to Mandurah on Rob's birthday" or "Hugo looked great with his Tiger face paint". It takes me by surprise and I have to laugh. They are visiting this site. Big Brother is watching me.
The truth is, you can keep up with my life even when you are a daily part of it!
The blog is published for Earthlings not Perthlings. But how fabulous that Perthlings peak too!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Since our arrival on this continent, the dinner table/picnic/barbecue conversation almost always touches on the Thermomix. Or as it is fondly known, the TM. Instead of discussing who is staying and who is leaving or what Malema said last, we now discuss who has a TM, who wants one and who can't be bothered. This little baby is like another set of hands in your kitchen. Not only does it chop, grind and grate but it has a built in heating element to cook as well. The result is that you can literally throw your veggies at it from 5 metres, push a button and leave it to make a beautiful smooth pureed soup within minutes. The TM kneads pizza or bread dough in one minute. It weighs the ingredients, makes white sauce, biscuits, muesli, smoothies and much more. With the TM by your side, you can have coleslaw within seconds, fresh hummus, gorgeous dips and warm fresh custard readily available. It has revolutionised the kitchen and literally chopped out the prep time. And just when you thought it couldn't get better, you find that it has a steamer attachment which fits on top of the jug as well as a rice basket which fits snugly inside. So while your rice is cooking, you can also be steaming fish and vegetables in two layers above.
But all this good news comes at a price, and a big one too. For $2000 you too can grind your sugar to icing sugar, make strawberry daiquiris and smouldering curries. I wasn't convinced.
The truth is I didn't really get it at all until I attended a home demo which is the only way to see and purchase this little cooking dream. Well, forget about FB friends, I became obsessed with having my own little TM friend. I started working out how many bras would buy me this chopping frenzy. I looked at every recipe with TM tinted glasses. I stewed and curried over it. But I still couldn't bring myself to jump the $2000 hurdle.
Just before I fell over the line, it finally happened. A competitive product hit the shelves of our local Kitchen supply shop, aptly named the Thermochef. I attended the in store demonstration and fell deeply in love. It's a rip off of the real German deal. Its mom is Spanish and its dad is Chinese. How it bypassed the patents, I will never understand. But hey, it does EVERYTHING that the TM does at just more than a third of the price. I rushed out with my $760 to fill the void I had created in my kitchen and my life. We make a great couple. I love my TC. And I love all it gives me in return.
But all this good news comes at a price, and a big one too. For $2000 you too can grind your sugar to icing sugar, make strawberry daiquiris and smouldering curries. I wasn't convinced.
The truth is I didn't really get it at all until I attended a home demo which is the only way to see and purchase this little cooking dream. Well, forget about FB friends, I became obsessed with having my own little TM friend. I started working out how many bras would buy me this chopping frenzy. I looked at every recipe with TM tinted glasses. I stewed and curried over it. But I still couldn't bring myself to jump the $2000 hurdle.
Just before I fell over the line, it finally happened. A competitive product hit the shelves of our local Kitchen supply shop, aptly named the Thermochef. I attended the in store demonstration and fell deeply in love. It's a rip off of the real German deal. Its mom is Spanish and its dad is Chinese. How it bypassed the patents, I will never understand. But hey, it does EVERYTHING that the TM does at just more than a third of the price. I rushed out with my $760 to fill the void I had created in my kitchen and my life. We make a great couple. I love my TC. And I love all it gives me in return.
together forever
We have been, and also hope we will be, together forever. Not to steal the thunder from Rob's "all-the-fours" birthday, it was also the day we met, 18 years ago!
He doesn't look that pleased to be framed in a heart with me, but I am so happy! Thanks Rob for a thrilling ride through 18 years. You are still divine.
Friday, November 18, 2011
All the FOUR's
Rob is 44!! We celebrated our gorgeous man's birthday last Sunday. In our efforts to be a bit different and spontaneous, we invited some friends to join us for a drive to Mandurah which is about an hour south of Perth. It seems that our friends are also keen to get out a bit and four families came along. We had a great lunch at The M restaurant and pub while the kids played on the boardwalk on their scooters and Ripstix. We then walked around the waterfront development and bought ice creams and had a play at a great kids' park.
It was all very relaxing and family friendly!
We are so blessed to have a fantastic husband, amazing father and Godly man leading our home. I am so grateful for Rob's health and happiness on this special birthday.
It was all very relaxing and family friendly!
We are so blessed to have a fantastic husband, amazing father and Godly man leading our home. I am so grateful for Rob's health and happiness on this special birthday.
Happy Birthday, my man. May there be many, many more!
Monday, November 7, 2011
This life
Before this life I have chosen, I had no idea:
Phew, I am exhausted.
- that skirting boards get covered in dust so quickly
- that the kitchen cupboard fronts need constant wiping
- that hanging out washing can take out years of your life
- that boys can wee so skew the dustbin next to the loo gets covered in urine
- that the floors need constant mopping
- that finger marks stick on everything
- that food leaves the boxes in the pantry at night and wonders around the shelves
- how much stuff you can retrieve from inside your own couch
- the microwave gets mucky so quickly
- what an effort it is to defrost a freezer
- that fridge shelves get sticky
- what a workout it is to clean properly
Phew, I am exhausted.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
While on our Bunbury escape we stumbled across some gnomes who impressed me so much, they deserve their own moment in my blog.
gnomes everywhere |
As far as the eye can see is a field of gnomes near Bunbury. These little men and women have been left here over the past few years in honour of a loved one who has passed away or to remember a significant occasion such as a "hens' weekend ". They represent various schools, Rotary Clubs, churches and social groups from around Western Australia and beyond. There is an unwritten invitation to paint and place your garden gnome where you feel he/she will be happy for all to enjoy. It is a treat just walking through the pathways and reading each plaque and taking in each story. There are young gnomes, old gnomes, naked gnomes and smoking gnomes. Each has a story to read and enjoy.
I am told that the thing to do in Australia in the 80's (when gnomes held pride of place in the front yard) was to steal your neighbour's gnome and then send postcards back to its owners from the gnome as you traveled around the country. These little fellas then found there way to an open field near Bunbury and Gnomesville began.
I even managed to hold an INTIMO lingerie party in Gnomesville as I found a group in dire need of a panty upgrade.
tough customers |
My favourites were the gnomes who were clearly far from home.
migrant gnomes |
Then you have to love the sense of humour in this:
Bunbury - Adults only!
A couple of weekends ago, Rob and I headed south for the weekend with three other couples and NO CHILDREN! That was a first for us since arriving in Perth and we had the best time. The six of us had clubbed in to give Mark and Di Zwitser a weekend away as their 40th birthday present and then invited ourselves along too! We played a murder mystery on the Saturday night and all dressed up in the dress of our designated character. We played Bananagrams, had walks, breakfast out, slept in and read books. It was a wonderful break from the reality of our busy lives and it really recharged our batteries.
We stayed in a wonderful old home on a wine farm in the Ferguson valley called Kingtree Lodge. It only has four double rooms and a collection of ornaments and artifacts that would get the Antique Roadshow excited. There is an eclectic ensemble of all kinds of bric a brac on every surface and in every corner. Our bedroom was home to a very large porcelain doll who stood on a corner table staring blindly across the room at us. In order to get some sleep she had to be blindfolded with a sock! A large bronze dolphin graced the edge of our bath and numerous gold framed oil paintings covered the wall papered walls. It is such an interesting old federation style home overlooking the valley. At night, as we sipped on our sun downers, hundreds of kangaroos came out of the bush to stare up at us in the last daylight.
The rain didn't even stop us from having a picnic under cover at the Wellington Dam. We loved having lunch out at a brewery and drinks at the local pub. Everything was done at a civilized adult pace and conversations flowed uninterrupted. Bliss.
A weekend like that needs to become a regular in our plans but the reality is that three busy boys are not that easy to leave behind at this stage. Ondine and Chris looked after our boys after school until Saturday afternoon and then they went to Liezl and Jaco until Sunday afternoon. They had as much fun as us and were spoiled at both homes. We are so grateful that we do have such awesome friends who we can trust to take great care of our boys to allow us this glimpse of another kind of life.
When our friends have recovered, we may have to do it all again.
We stayed in a wonderful old home on a wine farm in the Ferguson valley called Kingtree Lodge. It only has four double rooms and a collection of ornaments and artifacts that would get the Antique Roadshow excited. There is an eclectic ensemble of all kinds of bric a brac on every surface and in every corner. Our bedroom was home to a very large porcelain doll who stood on a corner table staring blindly across the room at us. In order to get some sleep she had to be blindfolded with a sock! A large bronze dolphin graced the edge of our bath and numerous gold framed oil paintings covered the wall papered walls. It is such an interesting old federation style home overlooking the valley. At night, as we sipped on our sun downers, hundreds of kangaroos came out of the bush to stare up at us in the last daylight.
The rain didn't even stop us from having a picnic under cover at the Wellington Dam. We loved having lunch out at a brewery and drinks at the local pub. Everything was done at a civilized adult pace and conversations flowed uninterrupted. Bliss.
A weekend like that needs to become a regular in our plans but the reality is that three busy boys are not that easy to leave behind at this stage. Ondine and Chris looked after our boys after school until Saturday afternoon and then they went to Liezl and Jaco until Sunday afternoon. They had as much fun as us and were spoiled at both homes. We are so grateful that we do have such awesome friends who we can trust to take great care of our boys to allow us this glimpse of another kind of life.
When our friends have recovered, we may have to do it all again.
Today is the day that 1500 cub scouts from around Perth gather for a day of fun activities. Hugo and I drove out the the venue with the intention of dropping Russell, Adam and their friend Connor off and returning home. Once we had found our group and starting looking around it became quite apparent that this was a day out never to be missed! Hugo and I joined in the fun and took part in many of the planned games. There was water bomb missiles, air rifle shots at targets and a giant blow up bootcamp adventure. One stall offered the chance to see how many flip flops you could throw into a bucket from a distance, another was a horizontal pole for pillow fighting a partner. There was candy floss, Marie biscuit icing and popcorn in a cup that you had to make out of a sheet of paper. There was a marble competition and a giant potato shooting catapult! The children made gazoo's out of ice cream sticks and elastic bands, hammered wood together for a project and answered a cub Promise and Law quiz.
It is a full day. There are hundreds of parent volunteers and fabulous games and activities on offer. It is truly remarkable how much effort has gone into organising this event. Our boys will no doubt come through the door, weary and delighted at the great time they have had all day.
It is a full day. There are hundreds of parent volunteers and fabulous games and activities on offer. It is truly remarkable how much effort has gone into organising this event. Our boys will no doubt come through the door, weary and delighted at the great time they have had all day.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Bubble Trouble
The trouble with this wonderful spa pool is that it relaxes us too much! Rob and I have lovely chats in the bubbles late at night and then sleep like the dead until morning. The children love to play in the foam and are also quite worn out after some jacuzzi time. When I should be doing admin or blogging, this little baby is calling to me with a monotone hum just outside my office door. It is very tempting to shed what little clothes I am wearing and soak for a while.
Mmmm.... this may be the last entry for the night x
Mmmm.... this may be the last entry for the night x
Russell and Adam had dress up night at cubs on Wednesday as part of the week's Halloween celebrations. We are not big fans of the vampire and ghost costumes that come out, nor the fake blood and devilish disguise that all appear at the end of October. The boys agreed that they would come up with costumes to counteract the evil of this celebration and joined up with their friends to form a biker gang in chains, tattoos and piercings. Their t-shirts, under their leather waste coats read: Bikers for Jesus and they wore their meanest expressions below spiky gelled hair.
He was trying very hard to show off his muscles in case anyone wanted to take on the gang! What a trooper! We ended up walking around the neighbourhood gathering sweets on a balmy summer evening yesterday. The boys had fun and we caught up with a few families we haven't seen for a while. The bikers made their point and wore the cross proudly and we all had some fun.
Russell the Dude |
Seth, Ben, Micah, Russell and Adam |
Hugo was not going to be left out and dressed up too.
Beep Beep Beemer
It still has two doors but now there's a sunroof! It is far more stylish and very fast. The old Rob is back: he is driving a BMW again. His car was the one possession he really missed after leaving SA and he now has it back.
Brainwashing is evident as the boys tell me how much better and faster dad's car is than mine. Train commuting has gone out the window with the upgrade but our man is happy. He loves his racy little Beemer and it's great to have a slick "date car".
I live in man world and the toys are just part of the deal.
Brainwashing is evident as the boys tell me how much better and faster dad's car is than mine. Train commuting has gone out the window with the upgrade but our man is happy. He loves his racy little Beemer and it's great to have a slick "date car".
I live in man world and the toys are just part of the deal.
Blogging in my head
October just got swept up and blown away. Life is so busy now that I am juggling work, chores and play that all my blogging is in my head! I have lists of bloggable events but not a moment to massage the keyboard.
Launching my new INTIMO lingerie business has eaten into my time but what fun it has been. I have done around 20 presentations already and have 16 booked for November. The product is beautiful, comfortable and supportive - what more could we want? Bras are recession proof and everyone needs to restock from time to time. Most importantly I am meeting amazing women who have great stories to tell. They open up in the bedroom and share their lives with me and that is an awesome privilege. On my run the following day I pray for each woman that I fitted the day before and her situation. I pray for the wisdom to know when to listen and what to say when I speak. Yesterday I achieved my sales targets for September and October and received the new summer range of lingerie absolutely free as samples to show my clients. Now these are free samples that any girl would want. Rob noted this week that we now have one more thing in common: we both think about boobs all day! You gotta love men!
So when I am not fitting a bra on a beautiful body, I am emailing my client base, confirming bookings, handling exchanges or marketing my business. Away from INTIMO I am usually ironing, cooking or cleaning. I am still running and attending a morning bootcamp. The boys' lives are busy and "mom's taxi" is working hard too. I am still a regular at the wonderful bible study at our church on Thursday mornings. There is always work to do on the house and at the moment I am going from window to window removing masking tape that was left there after painting and has now baked into the glass. Urggh!
Summer is here in full force and we are stealing swims around the neighbourhood. The heater will soon be off the jacuzzi as it becomes our little plunge pool.
In between all of this Rob has been throwing himself at his job and loving the challenges and fast pace of the company. He pushed a bit too hard and crashed with a sinus infection and flu last week but has bounced right back again.
I can't let the detail of October go undocumented, so a series of blogs will come in rapid succession as I try to catch up in pictures and words.
Launching my new INTIMO lingerie business has eaten into my time but what fun it has been. I have done around 20 presentations already and have 16 booked for November. The product is beautiful, comfortable and supportive - what more could we want? Bras are recession proof and everyone needs to restock from time to time. Most importantly I am meeting amazing women who have great stories to tell. They open up in the bedroom and share their lives with me and that is an awesome privilege. On my run the following day I pray for each woman that I fitted the day before and her situation. I pray for the wisdom to know when to listen and what to say when I speak. Yesterday I achieved my sales targets for September and October and received the new summer range of lingerie absolutely free as samples to show my clients. Now these are free samples that any girl would want. Rob noted this week that we now have one more thing in common: we both think about boobs all day! You gotta love men!
So when I am not fitting a bra on a beautiful body, I am emailing my client base, confirming bookings, handling exchanges or marketing my business. Away from INTIMO I am usually ironing, cooking or cleaning. I am still running and attending a morning bootcamp. The boys' lives are busy and "mom's taxi" is working hard too. I am still a regular at the wonderful bible study at our church on Thursday mornings. There is always work to do on the house and at the moment I am going from window to window removing masking tape that was left there after painting and has now baked into the glass. Urggh!
Summer is here in full force and we are stealing swims around the neighbourhood. The heater will soon be off the jacuzzi as it becomes our little plunge pool.
In between all of this Rob has been throwing himself at his job and loving the challenges and fast pace of the company. He pushed a bit too hard and crashed with a sinus infection and flu last week but has bounced right back again.
I can't let the detail of October go undocumented, so a series of blogs will come in rapid succession as I try to catch up in pictures and words.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Adventure World
We finally made it to Perth's biggest fun ride park and it is brilliant! Adventure World is only 10 minutes away and is jam packed with great water slides, roller coasters, a free fall drop, kiddie rides and pools. We arrived at 10am and left at 5pm with very little down time in between. The two big boys and I rode every ride in the park with many repeats. Hugo rode some water slides and then played happily with his friend in the amazing shallow pools. What started out as a cloudy day, ended up being perfect weather for wet rides and the park wasn't overly busy. There were many groups of teenagers hanging out which made for good people watching. The queues were minimal so we rode endlessly and enjoyed every exhilarating moment. As outings go, this is probably the most expensive day out, but well worth it.
We returned exhausted and I was in bed soon after the boys. What a great way to spend a holiday day!
And this is what I dreamed about all night long...
We returned exhausted and I was in bed soon after the boys. What a great way to spend a holiday day!
And this is what I dreamed about all night long...
The Pinnacles
The Pinnacles deserve their own blog. On Saturday afternoon we ventured further north to Cervantes to view the extraordinary ancient rock formations that make up the Pinnacles.
Regarded as one of Australia's most unique landscapes, these incredible limestone spiers rise eerily out of the sand, some several metres tall. You can get up close to the Pinnacles on a scenic drive and walk trail that includes an amazing lookout over the Nambung National Park. It's believed the Pinnacles were created millions of years ago as seashells were broken down into sand and then eroded by water and wind.
We ran between them and watched the sunset behind them while enjoying our champagne and snacks. It is truly a beautiful and mysterious site, this far-reaching field of pillars.
Regarded as one of Australia's most unique landscapes, these incredible limestone spiers rise eerily out of the sand, some several metres tall. You can get up close to the Pinnacles on a scenic drive and walk trail that includes an amazing lookout over the Nambung National Park. It's believed the Pinnacles were created millions of years ago as seashells were broken down into sand and then eroded by water and wind.
We ran between them and watched the sunset behind them while enjoying our champagne and snacks. It is truly a beautiful and mysterious site, this far-reaching field of pillars.
Lancelin 4 day break
We decided to go north these holidays and explore a bit of the coast that we haven't seen before. Just 90 minutes out of Perth is the coastal town of Lancelin which has great big sand dunes and low scrub bushes and lots of wind. Yes, you could pretend you were in Saldanha. It has the same fishing village feel and even has the fishy smell! We shared a huge house with another family and a third family camped down the road. Between us there were 8 children and the games and fun were endless. We took walks on the beach, bike rides, played non-stop Bananagrams and ate ourselves into a stupor. The wine and laughter flowed. There was backyard cricket and indoor Monopoly and of course, I ended up doing two scavenger hunts around the neighbourhood for the children.
The first two days were calm and warm and we hired sand boards to conquer the dunes. I even had my first try at braving the swell on my SUP board out on the ocean. By Sunday the wind had picked up for Rob to go kite surfing. On our return trip we stopped at another great camping destination called Moore River where the lagoon meets the sea. It is now on my list of camping spots to do next year.
The first two days were calm and warm and we hired sand boards to conquer the dunes. I even had my first try at braving the swell on my SUP board out on the ocean. By Sunday the wind had picked up for Rob to go kite surfing. On our return trip we stopped at another great camping destination called Moore River where the lagoon meets the sea. It is now on my list of camping spots to do next year.
Adam the dude |
Russell Surfing the Dune |
Hugo just needed a nudge! |
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Holiday fever
We haven't had time for blogging leading up to the school holidays with all the end of term activities and INTIMO parties. And then, of course, we have finally installed our spa pool in the courtyard between our bedroom and the garage. Every spare moment has been spent relaxing in the bubbly warm water. It is great fun for all of us. The boys enjoy it by day and Rob and I now have our post dinner tea under water! Standards have dropped on the housework and holiday fun has taken over. Since my last entry I have done some very blogable activities so a catch up is due but for now we are an hour north of Perth in a holiday town called Lancelin with two other families. It is stunning and warm and we are truly embracing the new summer sun.
Since my last post I have:
Attended a two night advanced photography course;
Hosted a surprise dinner party for Liezl's birthday for 10 adults;
Watched some amazing rugby in World Cup 2011;
Bashed the coping and old plaster off our boundary wall and replastered it;
Partly painted the outdoor area's walls;
Exchanged several bras, presented three INTIMO parties and done two personal fittings;
Attended two bootcamp sessions with a friend for "buddy week";
Shopped and packed for a holiday;
And all the other stuff which goes with being a pseudo-Aussie mum
So here I am, on the couch in Lancelin, about to visit the Pinnacles. But I am back, I am here.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Since my last post I have:
Attended a two night advanced photography course;
Hosted a surprise dinner party for Liezl's birthday for 10 adults;
Watched some amazing rugby in World Cup 2011;
Bashed the coping and old plaster off our boundary wall and replastered it;
Partly painted the outdoor area's walls;
Exchanged several bras, presented three INTIMO parties and done two personal fittings;
Attended two bootcamp sessions with a friend for "buddy week";
Shopped and packed for a holiday;
And all the other stuff which goes with being a pseudo-Aussie mum
So here I am, on the couch in Lancelin, about to visit the Pinnacles. But I am back, I am here.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sports Carnival
Just being on the oval and feeling the spring sunshine on our faces took me back to last year when we felt so new and green. The sound of the intercom and the children shouting their cheers and war cries transported me right back to those early days. We have come a long way and have now been part of our second sports carnival. This year Adam placed third in his heat and had his first taste of standing on the winners' podiums.
For us it was BLUE all the way and Hugo got right into the spirit with the older boys. He still had time for a photo moment with Ava who was supporting her brothers in RED.
Russell was a real champion who returned home with a chest full of ribbons for everything from long jump to races. He finished fourth overall in his age group. But at the end of the day it was all about being good sports and growing friendships.
another cub
Adam is now a fully invested cub scout. He is really enjoying all the activities and has already been on a camp to York for a weekend. He is planning his badges and coming out of his shell as he learns new skills. He is the smallest cub in the pack and is often used as cargo in the challenges when someone has to be carried! Now when there is a cub activity for the day we are down to one small boy in our house and it feels quite strange. Hugo can't wait to join the pack but the leaders have a few years to brace themselves for his onslaught after our calm first cubs.
Today was the district challenge in the form of an Amazing Race around a huge area called Piney Lakes. Adam went alone because Russell has come down with a dreadful flu lurgy and spent the day in bed. Adam loved running from country to country doing the challenges and having fun.
So now my sewing job has doubled. I am far less enthusiastic about earning badges and am all for instituting a sewing badge so that they can do it themselves!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
before and after
We have come a long way! We aren't quite finished yet but I couldn't resist this little comparison to make me feel better. The builders are gone. We still need the painter and bathroom No. 2 needs to be bashed out but what a difference! And here are some more...
![]() |
February 2011 |
September 2011 |
We have come a long way! We aren't quite finished yet but I couldn't resist this little comparison to make me feel better. The builders are gone. We still need the painter and bathroom No. 2 needs to be bashed out but what a difference! And here are some more...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Well there is no doubt who Hugo, our little tiger, is supporting in the World Cup. He is a fierce little supporter and is valiantly behind his team. He wears his Springbok jumper as often as possible and cheers them on through good and bad.
We are somewhat disappointed in the lack of excitement over this WC. These West Coasters are only into Aussie Rules Football and the rugby is slipping under the radar. We are having to form a huddle with other migrants to get into the "gees" but sadly the tide is swaying amongst the SAffers as they come out donning their Wallabies shirts. It's the little supporters that are the first to cross over to the other side so we are getting our mileage out of this little shirt and also his wonderful enthusiasm.
Our home is still behind Bokke all the way and we were proud of their great trouncing of the islanders yesterday.
Go Bokke, go!
We are somewhat disappointed in the lack of excitement over this WC. These West Coasters are only into Aussie Rules Football and the rugby is slipping under the radar. We are having to form a huddle with other migrants to get into the "gees" but sadly the tide is swaying amongst the SAffers as they come out donning their Wallabies shirts. It's the little supporters that are the first to cross over to the other side so we are getting our mileage out of this little shirt and also his wonderful enthusiasm.
Our home is still behind Bokke all the way and we were proud of their great trouncing of the islanders yesterday.
Go Bokke, go!
Adam received an Honour's certificate in assembly on Friday. He was so proud to stand up front and hold his certificate for the whole school to see. He was honoured for "becoming a more independent worker". His confidence is growing too and he is really getting into the fun of learning. This week Adam will be invested into the cub pack and there is much excitement around the house as Russell helps him to learn the cub promise and oath! Adam is a gentle sole and a very deep thinker. He loves making crafty inventions and gifts for everyone. He is the one we can rely on to make the card for someone's birthday or a gift for Fathers day.
We are very proud of our special Adam.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Well I am fully into the business of knickers and bras and am loving every minute. I presented five times this week and measured and fitted close to forty women! Every styling presentation is great fun and the product is gorgeous to wear and show. Most women are so appreciative of the individual attention in the fitting room and leave feeling uplifted and supported in more ways than one! I am meeting amazing women with incredible stories and feel very blessed with this awesome opportunity. Each bra party results in at least one booking with a new hostess so I can work just as much as I want to. Juggling the family and home responsibilities are tricky so I will have to be careful not to over do it but am aiming to settle on three parties a week.
So at last my day is about lace and frills. I am back out there setting sales targets and a part of my mind has woken up again. It feels good to be stimulated as I learn a new product and system. The other consultants are dynamic and driven and I am enjoying working in a team again. And of course it is so exciting to be earning commission again.
At INTIMO "we believe that every woman has the right to feel fabulous in beautiful, well fitting and supportive lingerie. Everyday. And every woman has the right to financial independence, professional pride, personal fulfilment and control over their destinies. Always."
What is not to like?
So at last my day is about lace and frills. I am back out there setting sales targets and a part of my mind has woken up again. It feels good to be stimulated as I learn a new product and system. The other consultants are dynamic and driven and I am enjoying working in a team again. And of course it is so exciting to be earning commission again.
At INTIMO "we believe that every woman has the right to feel fabulous in beautiful, well fitting and supportive lingerie. Everyday. And every woman has the right to financial independence, professional pride, personal fulfilment and control over their destinies. Always."
What is not to like?
Friday, September 9, 2011
toilet talk
With a house full of boy bums, I am always pulling my kids up on this, but today I can't resist a bit of toilet talk myself. At last, we have TWO flushing loo's in our house! Yippee! No more jumping up and down in the passage as they cry for a turn to do the morning run. These males are so regular it is disturbing.
Russell asked me when "we" can start using our new shower and I said "NEVER". Only Rob and I would be using that one. Unless he applied in triplicate for special dispensation with a very good reason, he or any other small boy would NOT be using the new shower at all. He was not impressed. I, however, am delighted at the new privacy this brings the only female member of the clan.
And I must say, it all looks amazing. We are still waiting for the shower screen and mirrors but at least it is all functional and very beautiful.
To avoid the rush on bathroom number two and the pool (two projects that threaten to sap us of more energy and cash than we are prepared to part with right now) we have taken another wet plunge and are installing a jacuzzi in the courtyard behind the garage! The preparation will happen tomorrow and the spa pool will be fitted next weekend. The weather is fantastic so we are really excited about another great summer looming.
Oh happy days, the queen has a throne at last.
Russell asked me when "we" can start using our new shower and I said "NEVER". Only Rob and I would be using that one. Unless he applied in triplicate for special dispensation with a very good reason, he or any other small boy would NOT be using the new shower at all. He was not impressed. I, however, am delighted at the new privacy this brings the only female member of the clan.
And I must say, it all looks amazing. We are still waiting for the shower screen and mirrors but at least it is all functional and very beautiful.
To avoid the rush on bathroom number two and the pool (two projects that threaten to sap us of more energy and cash than we are prepared to part with right now) we have taken another wet plunge and are installing a jacuzzi in the courtyard behind the garage! The preparation will happen tomorrow and the spa pool will be fitted next weekend. The weather is fantastic so we are really excited about another great summer looming.
Oh happy days, the queen has a throne at last.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Urban Splendour
A Night of Urban Splendour was the theme of this year's Youth Focus fundraising ball. Rob and I were very privileged to be offered a place at the Atlas Iron table and we cleaned up for a night on the town. The evening was an extravagance of entertainment, food, drink and dancing with an auction of incredible items up for grabs. Youth Focus is an NGO which councils and supports teenagers in depression and suicide situations. This night out raised almost half a million dollars for this cause.
It brought back the Solstice Ball memories for us and the many evenings of glamour with our Cape Town friends. It was great to be back in this ritzy setting, dancing and having fun again.
It brought back the Solstice Ball memories for us and the many evenings of glamour with our Cape Town friends. It was great to be back in this ritzy setting, dancing and having fun again.
all tucked in
If I happen to wake up in the night, which admittedly isn't often, I do the toilet stop and then go to tuck in my boys. It seems that they are suddenly all bigger. They are able to keep their duvets on their sleeping bodies now and don't really need me to tuck them in. Our sleep is uninterrupted every night as their boy bodies recharge. In a lot of ways our lives seem easier all of a sudden as we move out of the small boy-toddler stage with Hugo. He is now able to:
Russell is really maturing quickly now. I get these fleeting glimpses of the teenager peeking out sometimes. He understands my jokes, asks challenging questions and reads paperback novels. He is now able to make tea or hot chocolate for the team and will help himself to a sandwich. Russell bakes independently, makes bacon and eggs and turns the meat on the braai.
So now when Rob goes for his Sunday morning early swim, I still get my cup of coffee in bed. It is served by my handsome nine year old. Bliss.
- put on his own seatbelt
- dress himself
- write his name
- do all the toilet and bathroom stuff ALONE
- wait his turn
- play a board game patiently
- eat with a knife and fork
- And generally be one of the boys
Russell is really maturing quickly now. I get these fleeting glimpses of the teenager peeking out sometimes. He understands my jokes, asks challenging questions and reads paperback novels. He is now able to make tea or hot chocolate for the team and will help himself to a sandwich. Russell bakes independently, makes bacon and eggs and turns the meat on the braai.
So now when Rob goes for his Sunday morning early swim, I still get my cup of coffee in bed. It is served by my handsome nine year old. Bliss.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
renovation update
There is still a skip on our front lawn. There is still someone else's truck in our driveway. There are still tradesmen all around. But now, there is:
- a garage with ceiling and fittings
- primer paint on most of the walls
- down pipes and gutters
- a fully kitted and tiled laundry
- half a bathroom (the tiler is too busy to finish)
- a garage door on order
- And......an end in sight.
Spring is here and we are still very busy working on the house. The project took longer and cost more than we originally anticipated. I still live with banging and grinding but it is starting to look great. We almost have a brand new house in time for summer.
A fine day
It was, until I got one. A fine. A big fat one too. The traffic police here are very strict about speed and unless I have Griet lying under my accelerator, what is the chance that I will drive at 50km/h?
There is a stretch of road from Mt Pleasant to the highway that is a dual carriage way with a steep downhill and it is a 50km/h zone. Is that possible? Not unless the driver is almost asleep or running swiftly out of petrol. I know exactly where Mr Plod hides his equipment and I find myself throwing the anchor out just in time, every time, to do the karate run to South Perth. Sadly, on this one occasion I must have been too busy singing along to the 80s hits on 94.5fm to notice my speed and that damn camera caught me! And I wasn't even smiling.
The penalty is $300 (ouch!) and 3 demerit points off my licence (ouch!). I am gutted. My first commission cheque has to go to the cops. I was only going 72km/h after all. That is a very respectable speed for a SAffer. I am just hoping that there aren't more of those little charmers winging their way to me.
At least I get to have a good vent here. I am feeling rather poor and pathetic and Rob thinks he should call me Lead Foot. I am not amused!
There is a stretch of road from Mt Pleasant to the highway that is a dual carriage way with a steep downhill and it is a 50km/h zone. Is that possible? Not unless the driver is almost asleep or running swiftly out of petrol. I know exactly where Mr Plod hides his equipment and I find myself throwing the anchor out just in time, every time, to do the karate run to South Perth. Sadly, on this one occasion I must have been too busy singing along to the 80s hits on 94.5fm to notice my speed and that damn camera caught me! And I wasn't even smiling.
The penalty is $300 (ouch!) and 3 demerit points off my licence (ouch!). I am gutted. My first commission cheque has to go to the cops. I was only going 72km/h after all. That is a very respectable speed for a SAffer. I am just hoping that there aren't more of those little charmers winging their way to me.
At least I get to have a good vent here. I am feeling rather poor and pathetic and Rob thinks he should call me Lead Foot. I am not amused!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Same again Sam
Rob and I ran the City to Surf 12km "fun" run again this year. It was a spectacular spring day and if it hadn't been for some pretty harsh hills, it would have been a perfect day out. I had forgotten that the only inclines in this city are concentrated on that 12km stretch so the shock to my thighs was quite something. The irony is that I finished in exactly the same time as last year: 1 hour 7 minutes. Rob ran ahead this time and finished about 6 minutes faster than me. I could hardly blame him for leaving me stumbling up the slopes when I had thousands of other runners to keep me on track! The three distances (12km, 21km and 42km) attract over 40,000 competitors and it really is a great day out.
We were very fortunate that cub scout camp was on the same weekend for Russell and Adam and it was only Hugo who had to be farmed out to Liezl and Jaco for the night. We enjoyed our 24 hours of total solitude, interrupted only by the tiler grinding the floor out of our bathroom!
We were very fortunate that cub scout camp was on the same weekend for Russell and Adam and it was only Hugo who had to be farmed out to Liezl and Jaco for the night. We enjoyed our 24 hours of total solitude, interrupted only by the tiler grinding the floor out of our bathroom!
It's all about the Dads
Rob and Hugo walked to school at 7.15 this morning for Fathers' Day Breakfast. Rob was proudly wearing the tie that Hugo had made for the day. It was very funny arriving at school and seeing all the dads in their corporate suits playing in the sandpit. This week is littered with activities for the dads to enjoy with their children as this Sunday Australia celebrates the head of the house, the masculine role model, the provider and protector! Tomorrow is Adam's turn to take Dad to breakfast, then there is the cub night with Dad too. Our boys have been busy making gifts for their dad at home and school.
We are really grateful and blessed to have Rob in our lives. He is an awesome father and a great example for our boys of how to love and care for a wife and how to treat everyone.
This week we thank God for our Dad.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
SUP Boarding
There was a first peak of summer weather on the weekend and we couldn't resist getting the SUP board out for a debut paddle. The whole family had fun and it is certainly more difficult than it looks!
The balancing aspect does take some getting used to. I discovered quickly that my four men will call endlessly from the shore but it is very tricky to turn back, let alone answer them. New Family Rule: no calling the paddler while she/he is struggling out on the swell.
We each had our turn to fall in the icy water but it was all in good fun. Our friends, the Zwitsers came down to the river to spectate and ended up all giving it a go. After a couple of hours of beach soccer, kayaking, swimming and SUP boarding, we gathered at the Deep Water Point Cafe for coffees to thaw out while the children had ice creams!
Cold and Nervous |
Young and Effortless |
Hot and Intense |
The balancing aspect does take some getting used to. I discovered quickly that my four men will call endlessly from the shore but it is very tricky to turn back, let alone answer them. New Family Rule: no calling the paddler while she/he is struggling out on the swell.
We each had our turn to fall in the icy water but it was all in good fun. Our friends, the Zwitsers came down to the river to spectate and ended up all giving it a go. After a couple of hours of beach soccer, kayaking, swimming and SUP boarding, we gathered at the Deep Water Point Cafe for coffees to thaw out while the children had ice creams!
I can't wait for summer and the fun times we are all going to have on my board. What a great gift.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Hi Ho Hi Ho
It's back to work I go! And this time I am selling a beautiful girlie product that makes us all very happy: lingerie!
INTIMO is one of the largest direct selling businesses in Australia and direct selling in the form of "party plan" is very big here. The idea is that someone hosts a presentation of a product in their home. The product is then sold to the group of friends and hopefully one of them decides to host their own presentation for another group. If the product is right and the hostess rewards are enticing, the business rolls forward. I have been invited to Enjo cleaning parties, candle and decor parties, natural health parties and more.
In this way I stumbled across the most gorgeous range of bras, panties, camisoles, nighties and casual daywear at a friend's presentation. From there I decided to host my own demonsration which was so successful that I had a good look at the business model and decided to give it a go. This business ticks many boxes for me: I have many years of sales experience which could be put to good use, I can choose the hours I want to work, I can run it independently as my own business, it is sales target and incentive driven, the rewards are excellent, the customer profile is high end middle aged women, I get to have a drink or tea with the girls while doing what I do best, the product and free samples are divine, and the list goes on.
An INTIMO consultant shows the range to the group of women and then offers a private measure and bra fitting in the bedroom to ascertain each client's needs. It is a wonderful way to purchase good underwear and ensure a great fit and look in an unintimidating environment.
So I have spent a great deal of the past month revisiting sales training DVD's, doing product training, learning to work the online sales portal to administer my business and coming to terms with how to measure bust size!
I have just received my sample kit and am having such fun playing with all the bits and trying them on. My friends have all been amazingly supportive and many have offered to host a demo to get me up and running. I start in September and have eight parties booked already.
The idea is that I will build a team of consultants under me who I can motivate and manage as well as do my own selling. There are some great incentive trips to work towards as an added bonus.
INTIMO is one of the largest direct selling businesses in Australia and direct selling in the form of "party plan" is very big here. The idea is that someone hosts a presentation of a product in their home. The product is then sold to the group of friends and hopefully one of them decides to host their own presentation for another group. If the product is right and the hostess rewards are enticing, the business rolls forward. I have been invited to Enjo cleaning parties, candle and decor parties, natural health parties and more.
In this way I stumbled across the most gorgeous range of bras, panties, camisoles, nighties and casual daywear at a friend's presentation. From there I decided to host my own demonsration which was so successful that I had a good look at the business model and decided to give it a go. This business ticks many boxes for me: I have many years of sales experience which could be put to good use, I can choose the hours I want to work, I can run it independently as my own business, it is sales target and incentive driven, the rewards are excellent, the customer profile is high end middle aged women, I get to have a drink or tea with the girls while doing what I do best, the product and free samples are divine, and the list goes on.
An INTIMO consultant shows the range to the group of women and then offers a private measure and bra fitting in the bedroom to ascertain each client's needs. It is a wonderful way to purchase good underwear and ensure a great fit and look in an unintimidating environment.
So I have spent a great deal of the past month revisiting sales training DVD's, doing product training, learning to work the online sales portal to administer my business and coming to terms with how to measure bust size!

The idea is that I will build a team of consultants under me who I can motivate and manage as well as do my own selling. There are some great incentive trips to work towards as an added bonus.
I can't wait to get back to the coal face and see if I can still close the deal! Take a look at http://www.intimo.com.au/ to learn all about my next career.
multiple births
And multiple pregnancies. I had no idea that Australian families were so large. In South Africa I would often get raised eye brows when I mentioned that I am the mother of three boys. Here, I am an average achiever. Two children just doesn't cut it and more than three is the norm.
Perth is a great family city and everyone includes the children in all forms of entertainment. Babysitters are expensive and it is far more common to be invited out as a family. The trouble with this is that a dinner for three families often results in 10 children on your guest list.
We love entertaining so this is often how our table looks. We now have two dining tables in our living area to accommodate the masses or we just eat in shifts with an age restriction on each! Australian families are amazing at handling their children and their busy lives. It is not uncommon to be the only mum alongside the pool at swimming lessons as many dads have one or two days a week off work to share the load with a working wife. Australian women in general clean their own homes, do their own laundry and hold down some form of part time work. Stopping at two children just doesn't seem right even when life is very busy and often spinning out of control. The good thing is that on the odd occasion that we have had a babysitter, they never even flinch when we say that there are three boys to look after - that, my dear, is just a very common occupational hazard.
Perth is a great family city and everyone includes the children in all forms of entertainment. Babysitters are expensive and it is far more common to be invited out as a family. The trouble with this is that a dinner for three families often results in 10 children on your guest list.
Boerie on the Barbie
We are so chuffed with our new Barbie! Can you tell? It's mid winter but we are outdoors grilling chops and wors on our newly purchased gas barbecue. We gave combed the benefit list, discussed the pros and cons at length and have given in to peer pressure. And what a revelation it has been. This little baby can cook meat within minutes of making the decision to tackle dinner. Russell now cooks mid week meals (because it is way cooler than conventional cooking) and I don't get a messy hob in the kitchen. I know it isn't the same as the trusty old Weber which is standing just out of this picture with its nose out of joint on that shiny black dome. But it does the job with minimal fuss and can feed the never ending army that passes through my door. I am not reporting this purchase to South African Home Affairs as they may recall our passports but I am turning chops at pace to get our money's worth back here.
There's nothing quite like a braai barbie, to get the friends round.
You've got to love it. So here I am at 40 just getting to grips with my first Smart Phone which is reminding me daily how unsmart I am. I haven't felt the need for another gizmo that does everything from googling to emailing with cute rings and 10mb cameras until now. What would be more useful to me is a gadget that smacks the kids or puts out the garbage or makes the beds for that matter. Well I have now discovered that the cheapest of cheap mobile contracts ($29 per month) now gives me more airtime and texting than I have time to make and it all happens on the smartest of smart phones. The trouble is that I was not supposed to wait for the 4th generation of smart phones to get one or I may have been lucky enough to get a user guide/manual with the phone. No, Samsung and all its cousins, assume that by now we all know how to sync our blogs with our diaries and our notepads with our photo albums. So I am muddling on just barely managing to save a phone number at this stage.
This issue was compounded by the fact that almost every time I pushed a new button the phone would ask me in bold Times New Roman to open my gmail account. In desperation while out, I entered what I thought was my gmail details from my blog but inadvertently changed two of the letters which registered a new account. When I tried to go to rarahs, the blog had slipped off my profile as I was logging in via the new gmail address! That one lodged in my brain for some reason and I now have two different google profiles. I struggled most of last night to get to the bottom of the missing blog. I went into help forums and chat rooms (as one does when one has any problem from chest pain to disappearing blogs or both) and couldn't resolve my issue. After a rough night's sleep I woke up with the thought that maybe, just maybe, I had another gmail account. I went to my trusty real life tactile paper notebook and paged back to last year this time where I had scrawled the details of my blog as rarahs was conceived, formed and born. I instantly saw the mistake and logged in effortlessly. Thank goodness for that little book that could not possibly have died in the computer crash but was safely on my book shelf.
My go slow which led to many emails, messages and fb postings; my vent about the void; and then this small typing technical hitch have made me realise how fond I am of rarahs. It's my baby and my moment to regroup. It teaches me stuff about myself all the time and makes me stop to count my blessings. It gives me the freedom of speech I want, the voice from the podium I like, company in the dark.
Most of all it made me realise that I am not ready to let YOU go out of my life and probably never will be.
This issue was compounded by the fact that almost every time I pushed a new button the phone would ask me in bold Times New Roman to open my gmail account. In desperation while out, I entered what I thought was my gmail details from my blog but inadvertently changed two of the letters which registered a new account. When I tried to go to rarahs, the blog had slipped off my profile as I was logging in via the new gmail address! That one lodged in my brain for some reason and I now have two different google profiles. I struggled most of last night to get to the bottom of the missing blog. I went into help forums and chat rooms (as one does when one has any problem from chest pain to disappearing blogs or both) and couldn't resolve my issue. After a rough night's sleep I woke up with the thought that maybe, just maybe, I had another gmail account. I went to my trusty real life tactile paper notebook and paged back to last year this time where I had scrawled the details of my blog as rarahs was conceived, formed and born. I instantly saw the mistake and logged in effortlessly. Thank goodness for that little book that could not possibly have died in the computer crash but was safely on my book shelf.
My go slow which led to many emails, messages and fb postings; my vent about the void; and then this small typing technical hitch have made me realise how fond I am of rarahs. It's my baby and my moment to regroup. It teaches me stuff about myself all the time and makes me stop to count my blessings. It gives me the freedom of speech I want, the voice from the podium I like, company in the dark.
Most of all it made me realise that I am not ready to let YOU go out of my life and probably never will be.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Darn it, I really have lost the blogging momentum and this week I plan to sort that out. There have been many bloggable moments lately and lots of thoughts to share but my mind has just been too full of stuff to get the words to flow. I have lots to report and to write about and a great big catch up is required. There's the never-ending house renovation, the boys, our leisure activities, Aussie life in general and my new business opportunity.
Rob is heading north tomorrow to visit the mines at Dampier and Port Hedland. I will be sorting out the photo software on my pc and blogging some of our precious moments here.
life is busy and full. The year is steam rolling forward and it's too precious not to stop now and then to take stock and type it all down.
Rob is heading north tomorrow to visit the mines at Dampier and Port Hedland. I will be sorting out the photo software on my pc and blogging some of our precious moments here.
life is busy and full. The year is steam rolling forward and it's too precious not to stop now and then to take stock and type it all down.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Boarding time
Today Rob got up at 4.30 to Fly to Kalgoorlie for the first time. He is attending the "Diggers Convention" which is where all the miners congregate to discuss what is happening in the industry. Take a look at www.Kalgoorlie.com for an insight to this famous inland town which is the heart of WA mining. I think Rob was quite excited to be going and he is learning the industry really fast. His job is dynamic and interesting. He is mixing with influential people and is stimulated. It is really great seeing him motivated and up for the challenge. The MacBank experience and the year of consulting here have put him in a winning position to really use his skills. It is so good to see him feeling valued and appreciated.
For me, it has been great having him home so much. This job will require a small amount of travel and I think Rob has missed that a bit. While I would never wish our Cape Town lifestyle with him away so much, back again, I think the odd "sleep out" will be great. I want to have a chance to miss him again. And then, of course, have the pleasure of serving up bacon and eggs for dinner while he is away!
For me, it has been great having him home so much. This job will require a small amount of travel and I think Rob has missed that a bit. While I would never wish our Cape Town lifestyle with him away so much, back again, I think the odd "sleep out" will be great. I want to have a chance to miss him again. And then, of course, have the pleasure of serving up bacon and eggs for dinner while he is away!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
go slow
I have been on a bit of a blogging go slow for the past few weeks. While there has been a lot going on around here, I just haven't felt inspired to write. I am also not sure if anyone is actually out there!
We are now into the seventh month of renovating and the novelty of tradesmen around every corner and dirt just about everywhere has kind of worn off. We are down to one toilet and up to eight people using it most of the time and I have the great job of cleaning it! Need I say more? Amidst the chaos of the build yesterday said toilet became blocked by one of the workers on our half built garage roof and yours truly had to try and sort it out with a plunger. There was more air coming out of my mouth from gagging than going up the offending u-bend so I called for reinforcements and a plumber showed up promptly with a gadget for just such an infliction.
I am finally rid of the less than cheerful plasterer who resurfaced the whole front of the house and plastered the new garage. The job took much longer than expected due to the heavy rainfall in July. Yesterday the electrician fitted the new laundry and our en suite. Today the tiler is due to do the laundry floor. Tomorrow the old en suite gets stripped with a jack hammer (oh fun and dust!) and on Monday the plumber will fit all the appliances and vanities. Rob will hopefully assemble the laundry cupboards from IKEA on the weekend so that I can paint the laundry. During next week we should get the new en suite tiled too. From there we will strip and refit the family bathroom to accommodate a very missed bath.
Meanwhile there are two guys putting a roof on the new garage, banging as I write. Next week the roof gets tiled and the cement floor will be laid.
On my list today is to chase up the blinds for the study, choose a bath, collect a bench top for the laundry and organize quotes for a garage door.
Yes, I am a bit over it. But maybe it will be over soon, too.
We are now into the seventh month of renovating and the novelty of tradesmen around every corner and dirt just about everywhere has kind of worn off. We are down to one toilet and up to eight people using it most of the time and I have the great job of cleaning it! Need I say more? Amidst the chaos of the build yesterday said toilet became blocked by one of the workers on our half built garage roof and yours truly had to try and sort it out with a plunger. There was more air coming out of my mouth from gagging than going up the offending u-bend so I called for reinforcements and a plumber showed up promptly with a gadget for just such an infliction.
I am finally rid of the less than cheerful plasterer who resurfaced the whole front of the house and plastered the new garage. The job took much longer than expected due to the heavy rainfall in July. Yesterday the electrician fitted the new laundry and our en suite. Today the tiler is due to do the laundry floor. Tomorrow the old en suite gets stripped with a jack hammer (oh fun and dust!) and on Monday the plumber will fit all the appliances and vanities. Rob will hopefully assemble the laundry cupboards from IKEA on the weekend so that I can paint the laundry. During next week we should get the new en suite tiled too. From there we will strip and refit the family bathroom to accommodate a very missed bath.
Meanwhile there are two guys putting a roof on the new garage, banging as I write. Next week the roof gets tiled and the cement floor will be laid.
On my list today is to chase up the blinds for the study, choose a bath, collect a bench top for the laundry and organize quotes for a garage door.
Yes, I am a bit over it. But maybe it will be over soon, too.
Monday, July 25, 2011
The inevitable happened. We all have it sooner or later. The hard drive crashed with a great big whirring noise. Russell had bought an online game that is still in the developmental stage and looked a bit dodge. All his friends are into it so we gave the green light. It turns out that they were all playing Minecraft for Mac and didn't get the huge PC virus that comes free with your $20 purchase. Oh dear!
And yes, we do have several back up devices. And yes, we hadn't done a back up in months.
Somehow our iTunes had corrupted and duplicated all our music so Rob bought software and dedicated hours to the clean up. That was, of course, after the last back up! Another loss is the spreadsheet with the house renovation calculations but then we probably don't want to see how much cash we are hemorrhaging. I think my photos are all backed up so no worry there.
Thank goodness for my handy little gift. I am still connected.
And yes, we do have several back up devices. And yes, we hadn't done a back up in months.
Somehow our iTunes had corrupted and duplicated all our music so Rob bought software and dedicated hours to the clean up. That was, of course, after the last back up! Another loss is the spreadsheet with the house renovation calculations but then we probably don't want to see how much cash we are hemorrhaging. I think my photos are all backed up so no worry there.
Thank goodness for my handy little gift. I am still connected.
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