Sunday, September 25, 2011

another cub

Adam is now a fully invested cub scout.  He is really enjoying all the activities and has already been on a camp to York for a weekend.  He is planning his badges and coming out of his shell as he learns new skills.  He is the smallest cub in the pack and is often used as cargo in the challenges when someone has to be carried!  Now when there is a cub activity for the day we are down to one small boy in our house and it feels quite strange.  Hugo can't wait to join the pack but the leaders have a few years to brace themselves for his onslaught after our calm first cubs.

Today was the district challenge in the form of an Amazing Race around a huge area called Piney Lakes.  Adam went alone because Russell has come down with a dreadful flu lurgy and spent the day in bed.  Adam loved running from country to country doing the challenges and having fun. 

So now my sewing job has doubled.  I am far less enthusiastic about earning badges and am all for instituting a sewing badge so that they can do it themselves!

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