Thursday, April 14, 2011

gingerbread man

Hugo has been learning all the old fairy tales at school this term and he has latched on to The Gingerbread Man with great fervor.  He loves the story and wants it read to him often.  I think the appeal is that he is such a great runner and spends most of his free time pretending that he is running a race.  He talks to his imaginary opponents and fires off the imaginary gun and takes great strides to the other side of wherever he happens to be at the time.  Great arguments break out between him and the losers as he affirms his winning position.  It is all very entertaining and done with beautiful grace and style.  I hold out great hope for an athlete in the future.

I feel a bit like that gingerbread man at the moment.  I am running from one job to the next in the final stages of phase one of our big renovation.  At least I put all my energy to good use on Sunday and joined 2000 other runners to compete in the Asics 10km Bridges Fun Run.  It was a beautiful route which hugged the Swan River and included two of the great bridges that take the traffic into the city.  It was, of course, quite flat but an icy wind blew us around for most of the course.  I was very pleased to finish in 54 minutes and felt really good afterwards.

The sun is rising later and the mornings are quite cool now which also means it is that much more difficult to get out for the early morning run.  I am setting my sights on a 14km race at the end of May and then perhaps a half marathon to give me some goals to get through the winter chill. 

For now it is just running between tradesmen, choosing light fittings and doors, stocking up on paint and measuring for carpets. 

Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!

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