Sunday, January 29, 2012

Holiday fun

We have returned home from our great camping experience.  The holiday was wonderful and we are all just a bit more than sun kissed!  The Perth thermometer has been pushing over 40 degrees C all week and it was great being just a bit further south and have all day to lie in a shallow calm sea.  The boys had a great time playing on the SUP board, swimming, building sand castles and chasing each other along the beach.  At the campsite there were lots of children to share the day with them and they all made new friends on the bouncy pillow, in the pool or on the scooter paths between tents.  Hugo found a little friend called Andrew in the first couple of days.  In the morning I would wake up to find him gone and he would only venture back hours later, with little Andrew in toe.  Eventually I thought I had better find out who is feeding him and looking after him most of the day and followed him to the Craven's site only to find a bunch of ex Zimbabweans had taken him in!


Russell really enjoyed being with the Jordan boys.  He took to the waves on the SUP board and spent hours on his scooter or in the pool.  He was a really great helper around camp, washing dishes and cooking the meat on the communal gas barbies.  We had great laughs.  His great enthusiasm for any challenge is remarkable and his warm spirit makes him an instant friend.


 Adam had a great holiday.  The front tooth that he knocked out two years ago finally pushed out and has almost caught up to its neighbour giving him a totally new look.  He is so brave in the sea and is becoming a great swimmmer.  Adam still loves his own company best and often wonders off to play an imaginary game alone along the beach.  He spent one day of the holiday feeling sick with a stomach bug but bounced back to join in the very next day.  His little face is changing and his body is long and thin as if stretching too fast for his muscles to keep up.


The best part of the holiday was having three boys who could all swim, dress themselves, help out around camp and go off on their own to play with friends.  Hugo is one of the gang and loved all the attention from the big boys especially Hilton Jordan who took a great shine to him.  He is always happy and keen to join in the fun.

These are precious holidays with the boys and wonderful times to bond and talk.  The week sped by and now the focus must be on getting ready for school on Wednesday and planning Term 1.

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