Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Time to be perfectly honest.  One of the reasons that I haven't written for a while is the weird feeling that I am getting about being stalked.  This blog is intended for those who know and love us to follow our path and to remain part of our life journey.  It is our hope that one day we will be reunited and our stories will somehow collide again. 

From time to time, I have realised that there are people reading here who have never met me or my family but who found us in the ether and enjoy my writing.  On the surface that seems OK.  I am not sure why someone would be remotely interested in my ramblings if they didn't have a vested interest in my life.  When strangers start leaving arbitrary comments here on almost every post, it feels a bit weird.

Why would someone wait for my next post and hang on my every word if he doesn't know me?  Why would someone think I am at all interested in his comments if I have never met him?  That's the problem with our private lives in the public domain.  The Internet has far reaching arms and unlimited depth.  We are exposing ourselves like never before.  Take a look at these statistics on Facebook for a shock.

I am learning to love my Facebook.  It is a great way to connect with people on a personal level who I have met at lingerie parties.  It makes me a real person to them and helps with the intimacy of the products I sell and the experience of bra shopping.  I am able to network quickly and easily and spread my news and views quite far.  What I don't like is that it sucks you right in.  I keep checking to see what you have had for breakfast and with whom.  But that is a whole other post.
My point is this:  read freely off the net and take what you want from it.  Tread carefully when it comes to stepping over personal boundaries.  Your voice may be read as graffiti.

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