Tuesday, November 13, 2012

carrots on fire

Russell is really developing his musical skills.  At first we felt our house wasn't big enough for his trumpet but now that we have progressed together from many scales to nursery rhymes to real tunes, it is becoming easier on the ears. 

His latest melody is the theme from Chariots of Fire and I find myself humming it all day.  His practice time is usually a half hour session before school so it sets us up for the day.  I keep imagining people running in slow motion and have visuals of Mr Bean which are rather disturbing.

Students in government primary schools are invited on to a music programme after testing to determine musical ability.  They are entitled to hire an instrument for a year and receive free tuition.  Russell selected trumpet and absolutely loves it.  He wants to purchase his own trumpet and continue next year.  I have just discovered that a reasonable trumpet sells new for around $1000!

Well, today he is being tested on Chariots of Fire so there has been much discussion around the movie and the piece as well as many hours of practice. 

Yesterday Hugo came through before school and commented with a big sigh:  "Oh, no!  Not Carrots on Fire AGAIN!"

Sunday, November 11, 2012


 It has taken some time to get my feet back on the ground after such a fantastic week away.  It was Five Star all the way and we had the best time ever.  I really enjoyed having time to myself to relax and soak up some sun.  The other 90 ladies were so much fun to be with and friendships were formed over cocktails, dinners and swims.  I had the opportunity to network with inspiring women who have been with INTIMO for many years and share with the best in the business.  The week included awesome activities like kayaking through the cliffs, riding an elephant, and shopping in Patong.  We laughed a lot and drank a lot of cocktails!  The resort was superb and I overdosed on spa treatments and meals.

What a treat.  An experience like this is priceless and I will definately make sure that I will qualify every year for this little piece of paradise.