Sunday, July 22, 2012

unmasking potential

INTIMO July Conference 2012

The annual INTIMO conference on the Gold Coast, near Brisbane was absolutely sensational.  I loved networking with 260 inspiring women from all over Australia and New Zealand.  The professional development was outstanding with keynote speakers who stretched and grew our thinking.  Amongst those who blew me away was Michael McQueen who is a leader in bridging the gap between the generations.  He gave fantastic insight into recruiting and retaining Gen Y in our businesses.  An Intimo favourite is Mark McKeon who is a life and business coach.  He is big on work life balance and reaching your potential within your boundaries.  I just love his zest for life and positive attitude.  He gives practical ways to take your business to the next level, wherever you are in your journey.

Kaylin, Amanda and Wendy

The masquerade ball, flash mob and gala black tie awards night were all done with a slick professionalism and attention to detail that was just brilliant.  I loved being back in a corporate event immersing myself in my business, without distraction, for a few days.

The time away was made even more special by having two days with Cindy and Ian in Brisbane ahead of the conference.  I loved shopping with a 16 year old girl for a change and Cindy and I had a really good catch up.  After twenty years of friendship, it is just wonderful to reconnect every few months.

Rob and the boys coped very well without me.  Life went on quite smoothly.  We all missed each other but it is safe to say that I can now take these trips, confidently knowing they are all big enough to take charge of themselves.

Now back to reality.  School goes back this week.  I have ideas to implement, a team to motivate and so much to do.  INTIMO has been a fantastic adventure so far.

another year

We have lived in Australia for over two years now.  The first two are supposed to be the hardest.  Well we feel very settled and very happy.  The longing for special people, places and smells will never go away but the rich experience of being here is just brilliant.  This has been the best decision for our family.

This has been a very big twelve months.  Rob has established himself in a new career, I have started building a business.  The boys have each grown and developed and really started making good friends this year.  Having all three at full time school has been a shift for us as we move into the next phase.  We are now living in a beautiful home that is almost complete!

I went back to "seconds please" that I wrote a year ago.  It was interesting to reflect on the lessons we had learned in our first year.  This is what I have learned this year:

depth of friendship is not measured by how long you have known someone
relationships evolve and change
women are amazing, incredible and resilient
there's a part of me that isn't alive when I am not working outside of our home
our skills, education and experience can be reapplied in a new situation
to render and paint a wall
I can drop my standards on housework a little
life and health are fragile
I still have so much to learn from our three boys
Rob has an incredible capacity to cope with stress and challenge
with faith, anything is possible

We're half way to citizenship.  Bring it on!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

forty something

OK, so we are now really in our forties, whatever.  I celebrated birthday number 41 this month.  Some days are better than others.  I'm not quite in therapy.

The truth is, most of our friends crossed the great decade divide ahead of me so I had enough warning.  It's just that the hype around 40 is so fabulous.  The party is usually a big one (certainly was in my case).  The milestone is significant.  And then you turn 40 something.  I feel so middle aged.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful.  I am undoubtedly blessed.  In this day and age we do need to celebrate every happy, healthy birthday.  Rob and I have reached this point without a bad medical diagnosis or a major crisis.  We haven't suffered bankruptcy or divorce.  We have arrived at this place still enjoying each other's company.  Our children are not dysfunctional (yet) and so far appear to be normal.  We aren't searching for spiritual truth but rather are grounded by our faith.  Our friendships, albeit wide spread across the globe, are strong.  Rob has a stimulating and rewarding career and I am building a fantastic business.  Life is pretty good, wrinkles and all.

I was spoiled on my birthday and beyond.  I have never been fitter and am comfortable with who I am.  We have a beautiful home and toys for all ages. 

It's just that, well, the life of Gen Y looks like so much fun.

We're both forty something.

Monday, July 9, 2012

winter sports

Sometimes a play on the beach in the middle of winter is great fun.  The icy wind rushes over you and the tumbling waves crash in your ears.  It takes all your energy to stay warm as you run on the damp sand and suck in the cold air.Summer taste even sweeter when it finally comes.

boy fun

We survived Russell's birthday sleepover on Friday night.  He invited four boys to share the end of term excitement and camp out in our lounge next to a roaring fire.  The boys were really well behaved and had a great time.  The thumping music was a bit loud at times which made me feel very middle aged!  They barbecued their dinner, played iPod games and had a table tennis tournament.  They road their skateboards in the road and climbed the tree.  The late night movie was The Adventures of Tintin before chatting in their makeshift bed.

Mother to seven boys for a night!  And Rob, of course.

Conor, Johnan, Brynne,and Harry

alphabet dress up

C is for Clown

G is for Gold

Every year the cub scout pack has an alphabet dress up night.  The boys choose a letter out of a bag and have to dress accordingly.  Of course Adam got the clown suit and Russell was going for Gold!  Not much of a dress up for the Wilsons.  More like a come as you are party!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Adam cruising
She's our latest craze!  The boys have been saving like mad to purchase their "Pennyboards".  They are luminous coloured awesome short skateboards for cool transport and fun in the streets.

Most of the afternoon is spent with other kids racing up and down the streets, ramping pavements and cruising around corners.

Hugo is not quite ready for one, but I don't think it will be long!

 So far there has been no major accidents but I prefer to stay in doors and not watch the speed at which they fly!

cutting corners

Sunday, July 1, 2012

tunnel vision

Adam and his fellow Pally Rugby players had the great honour of forming the tunnel on the oval for the Western Force to run on to the pitch.  It was terribly exciting for these little rugby players to be standing in the middle of the packed stadium and coming so close to the state's heroes.  To crown the glory, it was Nathan Sharpe's final home game and there was lots of celebrating. 

Adam was given the commemorative cap by a spectator and he had the grand opportunity of getting the souvenir programme autographed by the retiring giant.

Sadly the Brumbies trounced our boys but it didn't take away from the thrill of being one of the little players who played a match at half time in front of the crowd. 

Rob was in a corporate suite (of course) so saw Adam's excitement at close range.  Russell, Hugo and I cuddled up on the couch and caught a fleeting glimpse of him as the Force took to the field.

What fun and sheer joy for these little chaps.  This will be a day Adam will remember for a very long time.  The dismal score is already long forgotten.