Wednesday, January 19, 2011

across the river

We went to a kids' birthday party at Kings Park on the weekend.  Kings Park is a really beautiful botanical garden with amazing fountains, play areas and trees.  It is situated on the northern bank of the river just on the the city's edge.  We walked over the high suspended bridges which allow you to look across the Swan River back towards Mount Pleasant.  This photo shows the Canning bridge with its original wooden stilts in the distance that form part of my river running route.  The river takes a turn to the right just past the tall building into our area, Mount Pleasant.  The yachts on the right of the photo are part of the South of Perth yacht club which is a 4km run from home. 

But today is rest day.  I will just look at the view from here.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you really know your way around there now. Another friend of mine has recently moved to Perth - and she seems to be loving it so far. Very impressed with your running - I haven't started my training yet. Waiting for the kids to go back to school (there's always some excuse)!
