Thursday, April 21, 2011

touch down

Our very first visitors have arrived and the excitement has been unprecedented!  Granny Viv and Grampa John are here from Somerset West for a month's visit.  All three boys look very smart in new winter pajamas made lovingly by their granny even though it is still far too hot to wear them.

PJ Boys

Grampa John

Granny Viv

It is great seeing the folks again and quite surreal that they are here in Perth.  We have already enjoyed catching up on all the news and are planning to get them out to show off our beautiful city over the Easter weekend. 

The wooden floors have been laid in the living areas and Rob and I are in our new bedroom.  We have worked very hard to get to an acceptable level of living to accommodate guests and plan on enjoying some restful days now.

If all else fails, we can always put a paint brush in Grampa's hand and put him to work while Granny cooks dinner!


  1. I am sure that Grampa and Granny won't mind doing that! And what about the washing and the ironing? Have a great time together!

  2. How wonderful to have your first visitors! Enjoy every minute together. :)

  3. So glad that they have arrived safe and sound - love the pics. Have sent you a message on Skype to make sure I have the right Amanda Wilson. If I have the right one, we can have the odd chat on Skype. Would love that !!!!! Have a happy Easter - love to you all. xxxxx
