Thursday, February 24, 2011

For sure!!

It is amazing what a family can talk about while painting endless skirting boards and window sills.  We had discussions on inappropriate facebook postings and U-Tube videos.  We talked about earthquakes and cyclones and life in Australia.  After many hours of scraping the conversation barrel and the paint bucket we realised that this is our year of FOUR!  Hugo turns 4, I turn 40 and Rob turns 44.  Our new house is number 34 and both our new mobile numbers start with 44.  We are leaving number 31 which adds up to 4 and Russell is in Grade 4 and Room 4. 

We are counting on this being a year of good FORtune and FOR having fun.  Our own home will also help us to look FORward, not back.

FOR now we are in the middle of moving to our new home.  I have carted car loads of cupboard contents across and still have a full day ahead of me.  Tomorrow the furniture moves and so do we.  Our house is still very much "under construction" but we will have two months of moving from room to room as the renovation progresses.  Waves of sadness have engulfed me today and yesterday as I realise that this is one more step towards making this our home for a long time and I realise how much we have had to give up to be here.  At the same time there is huge excitement at the prospect of a beautiful place of our own. 

I hope this will be a year FOR lots of visitors.  Pack your bags.

Up a ladder!
 Now back to packing and cleaning.


  1. Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home. xoxo

  2. Hope the rest of the move goes well and you will be very happy in your new home. xxx
