Thursday, February 3, 2011

globus hystericus

For the first time in his life Adam is experiencing globus hystericus or a lump in his throat.  He told me a few days ago that he gets this strange feeling of pain in his throat sometimes.  I asked him if he was feeling sick and he said that it was just when he thought about South Africa.  He reported that he also gets a very sore throat when he is skyping with his grannies or friends. A lump in one's throat is a strange phenomenon that a child cannot fully understand and nor can I for that matter.  The physical aching of your heart and throat is explained away by medical experts as a tightening of the throat and chest muscles as the body's response to anxiety.  So there you have it:  Adam has a lump in his throat!

While our lives are really good here and we have moved forward at a startling pace, there are days of great lumpiness and there always will be.  I miss the sight of the mountain, the touch of my friends and the sounds of Africa.  Rob misses the lush green of Newlands and his male friends with whom he shares a rich history.  The boys miss their friends and family and somedays, SACS.  We are mostly looking forward, but a piece of us has definitely been left behind.

Thank goodness for technology and all the benefits of skype, blogging and facebook.  With a bit of effort we can truly have coffee together even if mine is late afternoon and yours is your first cup.  Seeing a face on skype and having a chat is wonderful and gives the illusion that we are not so far away after all.  I feel very far when crisis hits anyone I love or when I hear great news and sad news.  In six short months I have missed three deaths, a birth and a wedding and it breaks my heart.  The reality is that while we are only a flight away we can't keep heading back for every milestone.  Our feet need to be planted on this ground and we need to acknowledge the memories we are making today.  When we do get to make the trip back I know we will pick up where we left off and thanks to all these gizmos we will still be on the same page.  My American host family from my Rotary Exchange year back in 1990 reads this blog and my "dad" is my fb friend!  Isn't that just awesome?  I dream of reunions and hug you in my sleep.  I am delighting in the new baby pictures on facebook, I am grieving with you in prayer, I get the low down on events from email and I am there.  I am there in spirit and thought.

I am so glad you are here with me too.

1 comment:

  1. We are always here - and love and miss you all just as much.xxxxx
