Sunday, February 26, 2012

movie party

Adam's party was a movie theme.  We borrowed all the beanbags from our church and a projector from Rob's work and turned our tv lounge into a beanbag theatre.  The Smurf Show was projected on to the wall and twenty little bodies sprawled across the beanbags. 

The best part for the children was the fake Movie Cafe.  The invitation was a movie ticket that also included fake money with Adam's face on it!  They had to bring their money along to spend at the Movie Cafe.  They just loved coming out and using their money to purchase popcorn, pizza and drinks.  Adam had a great time and it was a relatively easy party for us to set up and manage!

So party 1 for the Wilsons is over for 2012.  What a great night for Adam and all his friends.


  1. I recognize that size cake, that cake tin has come in handy!!! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to Adam. Tell him we love him lots!!!!

  2. What an amazing party idea! I love it! And it looks like Adam did too. Sweet. :) xo
