Wednesday, March 23, 2011

for the sake of art

Adam absolutely loved this bronze half man half jug sculpture at the annual sculpture by the sea at Cottesloe Beach.  Last night was the end of the exhibition so we seized the moment and rushed to the beach straight from swimming lessons.  We walked between the incredible sculptures and crazy interpretations of art.  Rob met us there for fish 'n chips and the most beautiful sunset. 

It was a balmy summer evening with swimmers taking to the waves until after dark.  Many enthusiastic art critics roamed on the sand and every brand and size of camera was out on display. 

These fantastic outings make Perth the great family city that it is.  The boys came home covered in sand and relaxed and happy from lots of fish and fresh air.  They couldn't thank us enough, they had had such fun.

illuminated bins!

true desert ships


  1. Sounds like a stunning evening out, Amanda. :D That's how life should be enjoyed. Often.

    I love those colourful, lit bins. ♡

    And please say hello to Adam from Luke and I; and send him our love. He looks so adorable looking at that sculpture. He's going to go on to do great things, that boy.


  2. I liked the man on the ladder with the seagull in the background. Looked like part of the sculpture. xx
