Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm OK. Really.

I'm OK until...

  • the Proteas choke
  • we sing "Because You're with me, I have no fear" in church
  • Rob has a wobbly
  • my boys sing Advance Australia Fair
  • I think about my parents moving to Cape Town
  • I get photos emailed of our CT mates camping without us
  • I focus on the dust cloud I am living in
  • I crave samp and beans or biltong
  • Adam sobs in the middle of the night
  • someone celebrates without me
  • I skype with my girlfriends/sister

But I'm OK.  Really.


  1. I know what you mean. :) But you know what? All of the above is normal and it means that you're a warm-hearted person who feels and loves deeply - and that's a wonderful thing. Acknowledge every feeling and moment, and as time passes, things do get easier. Think big picture, but maintain your important relationships in SA.

    And remember: you're the same great person you always were so you'll make great friendships in this phase of your life too. That's just who you are! Starting again is not for sissies, lets face it. But you're no sissie!

    Lots of love xo

  2. You need to send me a postal address so that I can post you some of the samp and beans I bought in bulk at Makro... The world is small, you are not far away, remember!
