Sunday, June 10, 2012

friends first

Little Creatures Brewery Fremantle

We are so fortunate to have family that we call friends first.  Mike and Julie spent a week with us as part of Mike's whirlwind business trip around Australia.  Mike is first our friend, and second Rob's step brother.  What makes him a great friend is his foresight to arrive in Perth four days after Julie's arrival.  That gave us girls just enough time to catch up properly, see some of the sites and work our way down the cocktail lists of many river and sea facing establishments!  It was our absolute pleasure to spend quality time with Julie and Mike.  We caught up on family matters, shared our lives and dreams and soaked up the last summer rays (and beverages!).  Julie, of course, had the uplifting experience of Intimo which is always great fun!

We shared an unforgettable evening at the Banff Mountain Film Festival, walked through Kings Park, took in some skylines and vistas and just enjoyed special time together.

Julie is one of the faces I see at the end of my blog every time I write.  I know she is there, willing me to write, wanting to see into our lives.  This time was meaningful and special, the first of many, we hope.  We love you guys.  Come back soon.


  1. Banff Film fest? Love to see a little Canadian content in your lives! Also glad to have you back in the blogosphere--I've missed you!
