Saturday, June 30, 2012


A toast to us!

Our men
Last Sunday we took time out from church, friends, activities and work and had an all exclusive Wilson family day!  First we lazed around at home.  Then we headed down to my new favourite eatery called Toast for a scrumptious brunch.  The boys tucked into pancakes and giant milkshakes and we loaded our plates with all things delicious.  Toast is very retro and fun.  The cups and plates are straight out of anyone's granny's cupboard and the location is idyllic on the water's edge.  A photo session and stroll along the river bank in the winter sunshine was pure bliss. 

brotherly love is tying your shoe laces

I have learned to keep a stash of INTIMO boxes in my boot for these ocasions as you never know when you may find a hill worthy of a cardboard slide.  The boys had the best time sliding down the grass, wrestling, chasing each other and just being boys.

always crazy Hugo

Adam in action

Love padlocks on the park bridge

The end of the game!

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