Tuesday, June 12, 2012

storm warning

The crackling fire is competing with the drumming rain as our city is bombarded by a freak storm.  Wind speeds of 125km/h are expected and there are severe weather warnings being broadcast on every channel.  The power keeps tripping and the rain is thundering on our roof.  The sky is ablaze with lightning bolts and trees are breaking under the powerful forces. 

This is the weather map showing a level 2 cyclone moving in!

I am so glad that I don't have to venture out to work tonight and am cuddled up on the couch with Rob (and his laptop!).   We are hoping that there won't be too much damage to property over night.  The storm is rushing in from the sea and covering most of the South West corner of this vast country.

Bed time soon and I don't think I will be getting up for my usual 5.45am run. 

Sleep tight.


  1. Hi. Hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I am from England and the weather here is rubbish at the moment with almost non stop rain the whole month so far. Nothing compared to what you seem to be getting though !. Hope it's not too bad.

  2. Hi Wilson Family - hope you guys are OK and that you wake up to a calmer day. Lots of love. xxx
