Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Darn it, I really have lost the blogging momentum and this week I plan to sort that out. There have been many bloggable moments lately and lots of thoughts to share but my mind has just been too full of stuff to get the words to flow. I have lots to report and to write about and a great big catch up is required. There's the never-ending house renovation, the boys, our leisure activities, Aussie life in general and my new business opportunity.

Rob is heading north tomorrow to visit the mines at Dampier and Port Hedland. I will be sorting out the photo software on my pc and blogging some of our precious moments here.

life is busy and full. The year is steam rolling forward and it's too precious not to stop now and then to take stock and type it all down.


  1. Well its about time you came back. Your sister has been sitting here in absolute ignorance as to the status of her Aussie family.... and she has kept on bugging me for an update!

  2. I agree with Gordon - welcome back, we missed you. Look forward to the news. xxxxx

  3. You deserve a break from blogging - the house renovations must be time consuming! ;)
